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  • Strengthen Your Family Unit

    Strengthen Your Family Unit

    In a real and meaningful way.

  • Heal Wounds

    Heal Wounds

    Both known and unknown.

  • Kindle Deeper Intimacy

    Kindle Deeper Intimacy

    Spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and yes, physically.



Shalom, and welcome to 5th Sabbath.

5th Sabbath was born out of the need in the Messianic/ Torah Observant community to minister to the family unity. You can attend a marriage retreat. You can go to a youth convention. You can work on yours and your spouse's "issues". You can send your children to be emotionally manipulated into accepting a faith that they did not come to on their own, which they leave as soon as the emotion hype fades. However, tragically, we have found that nothing exists which speaks to the family as a whole unit. On the contrary, all the retreats available divide the family instead of drawing them together and pushing them into a deeper relationship with Yahweh.

We, at 5th Sabbath, are developing team building skills that will strengthen not only the marriage relationship, but the relationships between parents and children as well. We do this through Scriptural teachings accompanied by physical activities where the whole family participates. After hours, when the children and teens are enjoying their own activities, we will offer marriage workshops/ conversations that may be a little too mature for our younger crowd.

Ideally, a family has one dad and one mom.  The sad reality is, even in families that are believers, this is not always the case. We want to give practical applications to help blended families navigate the pit falls of trying to blend by using character building exercises. These character building exercises will also strengthen non-blended families, and singles who desire to one day have a family.  Conflict resolution, fighting fair, and other essential intrapersonal skills will be taught during these exercises.

Come join us for a fun filled, action packed weekend that we believe will change your life and your family dynamic. We believe we can affect a positive change in our movement, but in order to do so we must start at the foundation of this movement – the FAMILY UNIT and their relationship with Yahweh.

5th Sabbath Logo

Our Mission

 Inspire lasting positive change in the Messianic movement through equipping every family unit with the tools that are essential for a genuine relationship with each other and their Heavenly Father.  

Your Weekend

Friday Night

Settle into your accommodations.  Catch up with familiar friends and make some new ones.  Enjoy the traditional lighting of the Sabbath candles, breaking challah (Sabbath bread), and kiddish (blessing Yahweh for the fruit of the vine).  


Emotionally detox and experience the presence of God through Spirit-lead praise and worship.  Choose one or more workshops that you feel will be most beneficial for you and your family.  Available workshops will focus on marriage, spiritual and physical intimacy, character building, and/ or healing wounds.  Participate in a plethora of fun activities that will be provided throughout the day.  


Practice, practice, practice everything you learned on Sabbath through physical events, competitions, and family building exercises.  Depart with a blessing.

Every Day

Begin by sharpening your saw with the Father.  Intentionally focus on your relationship with your family.  Teach and minister to each other as the Spirit inspires you.  But most important, be present and enjoy yourself!

Future Family Weekends

  • March
  • June
  • November